

Ultima® 手操器

Ultima® 手操器

Ultima 手操器用于Ultima 系列探测器的功能参数设置。
Ultima® 遥控器

Ultima® 遥控器

Ultima 标定遥控器用于UltimaX系列探测器的标定维护。


催化珠气体传感器以其灵敏度、可靠性和耐用性而著称,这使得它们成为大多数催化氧化气体检测原理用户的首选。每个组件均由公司内部制造,以确保最佳性能。对有源元件与参考元件 ("beads") 的仔细匹配使得传感器在湿度、压力和温度变化时具有可以忽略不计的零点漂移。
Catalytic Bead Accessories

Catalytic Bead Accessories

General Monitors offers a wide variety of accessories for our catalytic bead gas sensors.


General Monitors 电化学气体传感器对有毒气体(包括一氧化碳、硫化氢、氢氯、氨气、氯气、二氧化氯、一氧化氮、二氧化氮、臭氧、二氧化硫和氧气不足)高度敏感。
Toxic Gas Accessories

Toxic Gas Accessories

General Monitors offers a wide variety of accessories for our toxic gas detectors.
RGC - Remote Gas Calibrator for Catalytic Bead Sensors

RGC - Remote Gas Calibrator for Catalytic Bead Sensors

The Remote Gas Calibrator (RGC) allows calibration gas to be applied to a remotely located catalytic bead sensor from an easily accessible location. The RGC is used for blocking ambient air and redirecting methane to the catalytic sensor for calibration or testing sensor accuracy. The RGC tests or calibrates the General Monitors catalytic sensor with 50% LEL methane. The unit is capable of calibrating gas at wind velocities up to 50 mph. The RGC is used manually with a pressure regulator (P/N 80146-1) and is suitable for calibrating with any light hydrocarbon.
RGC-IR - Remote Gas Calibrator for Point IR Detectors

RGC-IR - Remote Gas Calibrator for Point IR Detectors

The remote gas calibrator, RGC-IR, is designed to be permanently installed on a combustible IR gas detector. The RGC-IR provides protection from outside elements and allows the user to apply calibration gas (@ 50 psi) to the detector from a remote source.
RGC-HT - Remote Gas Calibrator for High Temperatures

RGC-HT - Remote Gas Calibrator for High Temperatures

To verify the proper operation of a catalytic combustible gas sensor, it is necessary to periodically apply a gas of known concentration to the sensor. This is usually done manually at the site with gas supplied from a small lecture bottle. As the sensor reacts to the calibration gas, adjustments are made to the monitoring system to bring its calibration into agreement with the known concentration of the calibration gas. At times, sensors are mounted in inaccessible locations, requiring expensive catwalks or scaffolding to reach them. The High Temp Remote Gas Calibrator (RGC-HT) allows the calibration gas to be applied to the catalytic bead sensor from easily accessible locations. The RGC-HT is used for blocking ambient air and redirecting methane or other light hydrocarbon gases to the catalytic bead sensor for calibration or testing sensor accuracy in various environments. The RGC-HT tests or calibrates the General Monitors Catalytic Bead sensor with 50% LEL methane or other light hydrocarbon gas. The unit is capable of calibrating and detecting gases in various wind conditions (up to 45 mph) and temperatures (up to 200°C when used with high temperature sensor).


1701是一款便携式测试与标定工具,用于验证和标定超声波气体泄漏检测仪。尽管MSA OBSERVER-i超声波气体泄漏检测仪无需定期维护和校准,用户仍然可以使用1701标定工具进行功能验证,以及满足特定区域和用户对于定期维护的法规和安全性要求。1701便携式标定工具与气体检测仪表之间无需电气连接,仅需扣在气体检测仪的传感器上,这使得功能验证和现场标定极为便利。
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